
When Should I Get My Oil Changed?

When Do I Need An Oil Change?

Ah oil changes; a commonly accepted and acknowledged part of car care. Most people know that they have to change their oil, but with advances in technology and different types of oil available, it’s a little more debatable exactly when you should get your oil changed. The obvious answer is to bring your car in to your trusted mechanic, like the ones at Motor City European Repair, and have them take a look at your vehicle. Read on to learn about different types of oil, and what they can mean for when to get your oil changed!

What Kind Of Oils Are There?

There are three basic kinds of oil; full synthetic, synthetic blend, and non-synthetic, or conventional oil. If your car is a high-performance vehicle, like most European cars or a very high-end vehicle, you probably will use full synthetic. It is also usually good for vehicles that will experience extreme climates, or have demanding jobs (hauling/racing). Full synthetic blend oil is very expensive but can also be worthwhile as it helps defend against sludge buildup and engine efficiency. It also is better for handling extreme temperatures. The second type of oil that happens to be very popular is a synthetic blend. This is much less expensive than full synthetic and offers some of the same benefits. Conventional oil is the most basic and most commonly used motor oil.

Do Different Types Of Oil Vary For When To Change Them?

Yes. As a general rule, the length of time increases from conventional motor oil (shortest) to full synthetic (longest). This is because the purpose of changing the oil is to prevent sludge buildup and avoid using oil that has experienced a breakdown of the oil additives and components (caused by the heat and dirt it absorbs from the engine). If you have oils that are less susceptible to breaking down, theoretically, they should be able to go longer before needing to be changed. The best way to make sure you are changing your oil on the proper timeline for your car is to have a technician take a look! Each vehicle makes and models are different. Your owner’s manual is a good place to see what the recommendations are, but it’s also important to take into account the climate you live in, how much you drive your car, and what kind of driver you are (aggressive, defensive, fast, slow). These all affect the wear and tear on your engine, how hard your oil is working for your car, and thereby, how often you should change it.

What Can Happen If I Don’t Change My Oil In Time?

If you don’t get to your oil in time, the short answer is you can kill your engine’s efficiency. So many components of your engine rely on motor oil to absorb heat generated by the engine and lubricate parts where metal touches metal. Your engine will become too hot, its parts can actually start to warp from heat, and the oil will become sludgy and could cause the engine to fail completely if enough time goes by. On the flipside, there’s no negative consequence to changing the oil too often. While you don’t want to waste money, a few extra dollars are a smaller price to pay to get it changed too often than to have to scrap your car because you need a new engine.

If you have questions about when you should get your oil changed, feel free to give us a call at Motor City European Repair, and one of our technicians will be happy to answer any questions you might have. You can also schedule an appointment here:


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