
Is Your European Car Ready for the Changing Seasons?

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Fall is the perfect time to transition your European car from carefree summer driving to ensuring that your car is ready for fall and ultimately, for winter. Motor City European Repair has some tips that can help you to spot potential trouble spots now rather than later.

Make Sure You’ve Got Plenty of Antifreeze

Antifreeze is always important because it does double duty as engine coolant. If you haven’t been keeping up with coolant levels, take a few minutes and just peek at the coolant reservoir. Just topping that up if it’s a little bit low can make a huge difference in how your European car handles the change to cooler weather.

Take a Look at Your Oil Levels

While you’re under the hood, what’s your engine oil doing? Take a few minutes and check your car’s engine oil to see whether the levels are alright. You should also look closely at whether the oil looks dirty or darker than usual in color. Those small signs can help you to know whether you should go ahead and get an oil change now, even if it’s a little early.

Do a Visual Inspection of the Tires

One other situation to take stock of now is whether your tires are ready for the upcoming weather changes. It’s going to be cooler overnight, which might mean that your tires suddenly lose a good bit of air. That’s normal, but does need to be addressed. Double check the air pressure in all of your tires and make sure it’s correct. Also make sure you’ve got plenty of tread on your tires and that they all look to be in good condition.

Line up Appointments for Any Services You Need Done

Are there any services that you’ve put off or that you haven’t thought about in a while? It might be a good idea to go ahead and get those booked now. Taking care of those services now ensures that they’re handled, first of all, but it also ensures that an experienced auto technician is able to rule out any possible issues that might lead to a breakdown.

Can we help you with any of these auto service needs? Give us a call at Motor City European Repair in Farmington, MI today. We’ll do a thorough inspection of your European car and make sure that everything from the engine to the heater to the tires are ready for whatever might be headed your way.

Photo by Milan Krasula from Getty Images via Canva Pro

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