
Is it Ever Okay to Ignore the Check Engine Light?

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The short answer is no, because even if you think nothing is wrong, the check engine light is letting you know that there’s a problem somewhere. That problem might be tiny right now, but it can add up to big trouble for the engine in your European car. Motor City European Repair has these tips for you.

You Could Have a Spark Plug Issue

The spark produced by spark plugs is crucial in a combustion engine, and if those plugs or the wiring connected to them is failing that’s a problem. It can mean that your car’s engine starts to misfire, which can lead to preventable engine damage. Another issue can be related to spark timing, which can also contribute to engine damage over time.

Or a Sensor Failure Somewhere

Your European car has a few different sensors all over the car’s engine, exhaust system, and elsewhere. Those sensors give the onboard computer information that it needs to keep the engine running properly. If those sensors are failing, the computer is flying blind and that can lead to big problems in the engine. 

The Fuel System May Be Malfunctioning

Your car’s fuel system is a crucial component to engine health, too. Without enough fuel, your car’s engine is going to misfire and as mentioned, that leads straight to misfiring and engine damage. Sometimes the problem is in the fuel pump not working properly, or the fuel injectors might be clogged. An even simpler problem? The gas cap isn’t completely screwed down, triggering the check engine light. It sounds bizarre, but it’s necessary for that cap to be fully sealed in order to keep your car’s fuel system functioning properly.

The Car’s Transmission Might Be in Trouble

Most European car owners think of the engine and the transmission as separate things that don’t really affect each other. But in reality, if your car’s transmission fails that can lead to big problems with the engine. That’s because your car’s transmission transfers the power that your car’s engine creates to the wheels, getting the car moving. Problems in the transmission can very quickly affect how well the engine runs.

Don’t ignore your European car’s check engine light. Not sure what’s causing the issue? Give us a call at Motor City European Repair in Farmington, MI and we’ll be happy to run some diagnostic testing. That allows us to determine exactly what’s going on and get you a full solution that protects your car’s engine for a long time to come.

Photo by bizoo_n from Getty Images via Canva Pro

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