
Is Distracted Driving a Real Problem?

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It’s easy to think that the organizations that caution about distracted driving are just being overly cautious, but that’s not the case. It’s vital to pay attention to all of the different ways to stay safe on the road in your European car and Motor City European Repair has some information that can help you to be a safer and less distracted driver. 

Distractions Are Dangerous for All Drivers

The truth is that distractions are a huge problem for all drivers. Anything that takes your attention off the road or takes your hands off the wheel is bad news. Even if you aren’t causing an accident, you’re creating hazards that other drivers have to avoid. It’s also important to remember that in most places some of the biggest distractions behind the wheel are illegal. So there are safety considerations as well as possible tickets and insurance headaches as a result.

Practice Defensive Driving

What can you do if other drivers are distracted? That’s where defensive driving practices come in. When you’re using defensive driving techniques, that enables you to stay aware of what’s going on around you and do everything that you can to avoid potential problems. Some of the most important defensive driving tactics involve leaving lots of room between your car and other cars on the road and always signaling your intent when you’re turning or changing lanes. Never assume you know for sure what other drivers are doing, however.

Avoid All of the Distractions You Can

The other way you can do your part to avoid distracted driving is to reduce distractions for yourself as much as possible. Leave your phone out of reach and don’t touch it while you’re driving. Make sure that you adjust your seat and mirrors before you start actually driving. And avoid eating while driving or fiddling with anything complicated, even the radio or your GPS device. Sometimes even conversations with your passengers can be distracting, so try to be mindful about everything that you’re doing while you’re behind the wheel. Those small decisions matter a lot when it comes to what you’re facing as you’re driving.

It also helps if your car is in the best possible condition so that you’re not distracted by mechanical issues. Motor City European Repair in Farmington, MI can help you with all of your European car maintenance needs so that you’re able to just focus on driving safely wherever you go.

Photo by tommaso79 from Getty Images via Canva Pro

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