
Does Your European Car Need an Oil Change in a Big Way?

Your European car is a masterpiece, but it still needs basic maintenance, like oil changes. If you forget those, Motor City European Repair wants you to know how your car might try to remind you to swap out that oil.

You’ve Got an Oil Leak

If you park in the same spot consistently, it should be pretty easy to spot if and when your car ends up with an oil leak. Oil leaks aren’t necessarily the worst news ever, but they’re not good news. Any oil leak is a sign that you need to have your car inspected to make sure all is well.

The Oil Is Low

It’s important for you to know how to check your car’s oil periodically. This isn’t so that you can graduate up to changing your own oil, but so that you can keep track of your car’s health. When you have a routine for checking your car’s oil levels, you’ll be able to notice quickly when those levels drop lower than they should. 

Your Gas Mileage Is Getting Worse

When your car’s engine has to work harder than it’s designed to work, it burns more gas. If you’re already keeping track of your gas mileage, it will become more obvious to you that something is affecting those numbers in a negative way. Sometimes it takes troubleshooting to notice what’s impacting gas mileage, but if you know it’s been a while since an oil change, that’s a fast and easy fix.

The Oil Light Is On

Your car most likely has an oil light on the dashboard. That light is to let you know that something is wrong with the oil system. It could be that the onboard computer detected a leak, detected low oil levels, or that something else is going on. It’s important to get the car checked if you see the oil light on.

The Check Engine Light Is On

If you’ve let your oil change go for way too long, you might just get the dreaded check engine light. This is kind of your car’s way of letting you know that it’s been trying to tell you what it needed and now it isn’t playing. Do yourself a favor and do not ignore the check engine light.

Need to correct an overdue oil change? Contact us at Motor City European Repair in Farmington, MI. We’ll get the oil changed for you and see about any other missed services, too.

Photo by rclassenlayouts from Getty Images viaCanva Pro

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